
PV Plant Switching model [μGrid Lib]

HIL Model Example

Model highlights |

1 x three-phase inverter

1 x three-phase two winding transformer

  • Highly detailed PV Plant control algorithm in signal processing

“Test time in our power lab is very expensive, and it really takes a couple of people to run it full time. Typhoon HIL makes much better development environment for controls because you can try new things, attempt operational scenarios that are difficult to emulate, and do all of that very quickly.”

Ryan Smith
Chief Technical Officer
EPC Power Corp.

“Test automation is becoming more and more important due to the significantly higher complexity of devices. With HIL technology much less work is required in the field and on the test stands, which has brought us great advantages both in terms of safety, cost savings and cost quality.”

Dr. Stephan Engelhardt
Principal System Engineer